Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Saturday in Loretto, PA

I spent a very hot Saturday taking pictures of the day's activities during Saint Francis University's Alumni weekend.   This week's blog is of some of the sights that didn't include people.

It seems that, in one way or another, some of us always seem to be connected to one tragedy or another during our lifetimes.

Exercise balls in the DiSepio Center for Rural Health and Wellness on the campus of Saint Francis University.

Red Bromeliad

Fish in an aquarium.

St. Bonaventure Hall, the original home of Charles Schwab.

Sierra Cottage at the West gate of the Schwab Estate in Loretto, PA.

Immergrun Golf Course -- Bob Hahn Pro Shop

Shotgun start to a golf tournament, Saint Francis University alumni weekend.

Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art on the campus of Saint Francis University.

Pieta in the Grotto area behind Giles Hall.

Stairway to heaven

Formal gardens on the grounds of the Franciscan Friars, formerly Schwab Estate.

The new addition which was built to house retired Franciscan Friars.  It was built onto the old Schwab Mansion.

Stained glass windows in the chapel.

This is called the grand staircase.  I used available light.


Marie Young (Marie Young Creative) said...

Beautiful photos! The heat didn't seem to deter you from covering a lot of ground on campus.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures