Deputy Fire Chief of Station 58 pulls exterior wall away from the building in an effort to find the source of flames.
A firefighter from Station 55 Hastings is seen after exiting the rear of Emma Jean's.
Spangler Fire Departments' 58-2 rolls into the alley behind Emma Jean's Restaurant as members of Station 55 prepare to enter the building.
With no further need for it's aerial platform, the Spangler Volunteer Fire Company crew prepares to leave the vicinity.
Hope Fire Company's Unit 50-4 reducing the water being pumped from the fire hydrant located next to the fire department station.
Fire fighters leaving the roof area of the restaurant.
With a wing span of nearly 33 inches the crows don't normally land or feed from a 5 square inch suet feeder that swings like a pendulum.
After getting its fill this crow heads directly towards the camera before veering off to its right.
A wider shot of a crow as it takes off.
Back view of a crow with its wings nearly extended full width.
A nice profile shot of an American Crow.
Although not a raven, someone who has seen this picture used the quote "Nevermore".
Rarely seen as an individual, crows have their own "social network".
The majestic American Crow, one of the largest song birds in North America.