Wednesday, January 25, 2006

First Anniversary

We started this blog one year ago. Since then, we've published over 700 photographs for you to enjoy!

As far as we know, this is the most proficient rendering, online, of one area of Pennsylvania by one photographer.

Shot this picture along the road in Winterset, PA.

Along the Carrolltown-Colver Road.

Winter quarters for beef steers along Carrolltown-Colver Road.

Mount Hermon Cemetery - 1858.

Wall painting at the Portage Station Museum.

Portage Station Museum.

Farm house outside of Munster, PA.

This barn is part of the above farm.

House Finch - Carpodacus mexicanus

Gold finch and house finch on an ice covered thistle feeder.

Moss growing on Cobweb Houseleek, Spider Web Hens and Chicks - Sempervivum arachnoideum.

Stumps me.

Artist's fungus, also known as Flat tinder fungus - Ganoderma applanatum

Although this looks like the glass from a light house, it is actually the side of a candle holder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The cemetery was founded in 1858, not 1854. HaHa. That's what the sign says. You have nice pictures.